John Siegenthaler: Speaking of resiliency…
Ever notice how new words or phrases continually slide into our social vocabulary? Here are a few examples that pertain to energy and buildings: Sustainability, energy justice, climate justice,...
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: Important differences between head and Delta-P
This month I want to deviate a bit from a purely renewable energy topic to one that’s important across the entire spectrum of hydronics technology. It’s a topic that likely gets exercised on a daily...
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler’s Top 25 most-read articles
We’re celebrating John Siegenthaler’s 25th anniversary as a Plumbing & Mechanical columnist.
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: Maintaining constant circulation in heated floor slabs is key
Heated floor slabs, without floor coverings, have one of the lowest supply water temperature requirements of any radiant panel system. This makes them well-suited for use with renewable energy heat...
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: Heating, cooling and DHW from a single system
As global energy planning moves away from fossil fuels and toward electricity, an increasing number of hydronic heating systems are being supplied by heat pumps. Some use water-to-water heat pumps...
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: Sensor palcement is critical to designing successful...
All hydronic systems designed around renewable energy heat sources — as well as those designed around conventional boilers — have at least one controller that measures and responds to temperature....
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: System designs need numbers to guide decisions
I’ve written several “Heating with Renewable Energy ”columns covering the benefits of combining modern hydronics technology with modern air-to-water heat pumps.
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: How to add a pellet boiler to a forced-air heating system
I’ve covered pellet-fueled boiler applications in several past issues of PME. All of them have involved hydronic distribution systems. While such applications are certainly the prevailing way pellet...
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: Hydraulic energy conservation
Ask a professional engineer about the energy used by the heating systems they design. Their response is almost guaranteed to apply to the “fuel” energy (e.g., natural, gas, propane, oil, pellets, etc.)...
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: DHW Trifecta
One of the best things about hydronic heating systems is that it’s easy to integrate some method of domestic water heating. This combination has been used for decades in systems where a boiler was the...
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: Modifying high-temperature distribution systems for...
What characteristic do solar thermal collectors, hydronic heat pumps and thermal storage tanks supplied by biomass boilers have in common?
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: Modifying high-temperature distribution systems for...
As with most things hydronic, there are multiple approaches, and the “best” approach for each installation has to consider cost, aesthetics, access to the existing piping, available wall space and the...
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: Soaring fuel costs drive adoption of high-efficiency/low...
In 2012 the price of #2 fuel oil in upstate New York was approaching a previously unheard of $4 per gallon. This spurred many pending heating system projects to consider the use of cordwood or wood...
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: Opportunities to reduce head loss
When designing hydronic circuits, most engineers focus on what’s necessary for that circuit to absorb thermal energy at a heat source, carry it along like a conveyor belt and drop it off at one or more...
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: Details for venting pellet-fueled boilers
Given the current upward trend and volatility of fossil fuel pricing, there’s renewed interest in heating using wood pellets. Federal incentives that currently cover 26% of some qualified equipment...
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: Modern hydronics technology addresses heating challenges...
Over the years I’ve had opportunities to work with several architects. They’re interesting people who have the ability to meld art with building technology. Sometimes the result is more “art,” and...
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: Performance metrics for modern hydronic heating and...
Those who evaluate the performance of HVAC source equipment such as boilers, furnaces and heat pumps have to work with a wide variety of acronyms. Some of them were spawned by government bureaucrats,...
View ArticleJohn Siegenthaler: Understanding thermal equilibrium and hydraulic equilibrium
ades of dealing with hydronic systems, I’ve confirmed two characteristics that always govern their operation. Both are rooted in the tenants of thermodynamics. Neither should be thought of as mysterious.
View ArticleUsing “reverser valves” to switch buffer tanks between heating and cooling
When a fixed output heat pump supplies a highly zoned heating or cooling distribution system, a buffer tank is typically used to prevent the heat pump from short-cycling under very low load conditions.
View ArticleDetails for piping multiple hydronic heat pumps
Multiple boiler systems have been used for decades. They allow full heating capacity to be delivered when necessary, while also retaining high efficiency under partial load conditions compared to a...
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